Sunday, 29 March 2009

Propagator heaven

Bought a couple of windowsill propagators yesterday so that I can sow the peppers, tomatoes, chillis, aubergines and cucumbers. They need to be kept warm and cosy at night, so this should give them a headstart. There wasn't any point trying before now as my greenhouse is unheated.
I seem to have lots of different packets of seed, so I must resist the temptation to over sow. Just a few of each variety. May sell on any spare plants at work.

Loads to still go in the garden, beetroot, turnips, more peas, spring onions, onion sets, shallots. I can feel a busy day ahead.

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb

It has been a lovely day, some showers, greenhouse was lovely and warm.
I've potted on my italian kale into 3 inch pots, hoping they will get much stronger before planting out in our sandy soil.
Tried to water the new flower bed, but where we hadn't incorporated the well rotted farmyard manure it just ran off the surface. Managed to put a light spray on and it did start to sink in. Planted the 3 tree peonies that we got Mum for Mother's Day, also planted 2 rhubarb plants in amongst the flowers. I remember Geoff Hamilton's ornamental kitchen garden on TV, now I need to get the book and a copy of the DVD.
I've also split up the canna lily that we brought back from Trewan 2 years ago. It was totally pot bound, I've managed to get 9 plants from it, I've planted them in John Innes in large pots, so that they can be sunk into the garden once the frosts are past and then bring them back in again when it gets too cold.
The peas are looking good, I've removed the holly branches from on top of the seedlings, hoping that the mice will have lost interest now they are growing.
Radishes are doing well.