Sunday, 16 February 2014

February sunshine (finally)

The weather has been atrocious this year, so much rain and strong winds. Luckily my polytunnel is still in one piece and despite the bad weather has been very warm inside. I had tried my luck with sowing some pea shoots, broad beans and salad leaves at the end of January, but the mice or some other furry vermin has decided that they were very nice and have demolished them already, so time to try again.
This is the first day so far that we have had sun and I haven't been working. So I've made the most of it, been in the polytunnel since 10.30 clearing up the trail of destruction from the mice and sowing masses of seeds in pots. I've put covers over the seeds that they tend to steal and hope that I may have something growing in a couple of weeks.
It was so warm inside, I've had to work with the door open and just a t shirt as it was so hot, no fleece jacket needed. Taking the odd break outside sat on my bags of new compost in a sheltered spot feeling the warmth on my face, those freckles are going to be appearing very soon.
Now to research what I need to do to prepare the soil for my shallots, if we get another day of good weather this week during half-term, I'm not holding my breath though.
The planning starts here.


  1. I'm envious. Here in New York, more snow is on the way, and I have yet to put my gardening plans down onto paper. I'm beginning to wonder if the East Coast will skip spring and plow straight into summer. We'll see. Good luck on your newest batch of seedlings.

    1. Hopefully the weather has improved for you. We have had so much rain, we thought that our gardens would be permanently drowned this year. Everything is now springing into action, a bit of sun and wow.
