Sunday 26 August 2012

Autumn preparations

Got a great deal on some brassica plants this week from Mr Fothergill's, they arrived on Wednesday, so I've been keeping them cool and damp. I've just potted them on into trays today, so that they get a good start, this also gives me some time to prepare the ground for them. I've got curly kale, lots of different cabbages and cauliflowers.
I also ordered some potatoes which should give us some home grown new potatoes for Christmas. Luckily Hubby bought me the September Grow It magazine and they have advised starting to grow them in 4-6" pots first before putting them in the potato bags, so I've planted 30 potatoes and they are in the big polytunnel. 
Earlier in the summer, we got a great deal on some fuchsias which are hubby's favourite plants, unfortunately one of them got damaged on the way home, never fear, I took the branch that broke off and took load of cuttings from it. Was really pleased today, to pot on 6 new plants from the cuttings.
I've also planted in modules some different varieties of oriental veg and some Swiss chard.
Jobs still to do:-
Plant more seeds in modules, lettuces, etc.
Clear ground for the brassicas to go in.
I'm now trying to do some research into what to grow in the polytunnels over winter, I want to maximise on the produce that we can keep. I'm not planning to heat them though, but that may need to be a plan that is changed :S

Sunday 19 August 2012

Hot, hot, hot

A wonderful day today, very hot in the garden, hotter inside, so the garden won.
Polytunnel is like my own personal sauna, it was so hot and humid in there this morning. The cucumbers, chillis, aubergine and pepper is loving the heat.
I've got lots of lunchbox sized cucumbers growing, lots of water needed, and feeding once a week. If the weather keeps warm, I should be pickling loads too.
You can just spot my first green pepper on this pepper plant.
Loads more seeds to start in modules, I can't rely on direct sowing with such sandy soil. Will also sow direct but can infill if necessary.
Just need to stop the Mosquitos biting me.