Sunday 27 March 2011

Early sow and sow

Well the clocks went forward and I can't stay in bed or 6am up tomorrow will be killer, 7am this morning and by 8am I was in the greenhouse.
I've decided to capture my progress in pictures, so here goes.
 This is the first of the veg beginning to show through, the beetroot is coming through the most followed by the spinach.
 These are the plug plants, there are twenty little modules for each type of plant, there are lobelia, geraniums, busy lizzies and petunias.

It's getting full, I've already moved some of the pots outside that don't need greenhouse protection, loads more planted today including, broad beans, courgettes/marrows, celery, onions, shallots, summer cabbage, lettuce, thai basil, parsley, leeks, some unusual french beans called Ying Yang that can be used fresh or dried.

Loads done, all watered and now waiting to see what happens.

I think I've planted more, but what, escapes me until I see the labels in the daylight.
Productive day, you bet!

Saturday 26 March 2011

Sunny Saturday

A beautiful day, I was in the greenhouse by 9am and it was already 18 degrees Celsius. I've cleared out all the old pots, planted bulbs watered everything.
After lunch we nipped to the Garden centre and bought some plug plants and seeds, all potted on now.
Loved gardeners world last night, didn't realise that I could grow dahlias from seed so bought some, going to back in greenhouse tomorrow to sow them and more.

Loads of vitamin D, and relaxation, recharging my batteries.
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Sunday 13 March 2011

Gardener's World is back

Friday was the start of the new series of Gardener's World on BBC and yippee Monty Don is back and they've returned to the original format. Back to the presenters talking to us as equals, camera men and editors showing us what we want to see, no "arty shots". My personal belief that if you don't notice the camera angles and just see the presenter, then you've got the best behind the scenes team possible, you don't go and see a show at the theatre and see the backstage crew appearing (just those sound men setting the levels too high so you don't forget them).

It was great to see lots of tips and tricks in a "real" garden that is a family garden, loved the beetroot module idea, off to plant some in a moment for both of the veg plots.

I would like a timelord though, I don't have enough time to do the gardening as my students' need my attention whether planning or marking. My reward for hard planning is a few minutes in the greenhouse.

The sun is just beginning to shine between the clouds, so I think the time has come to stretch my legs, grab a packet of seeds, label & pen and head to the greenhouse.

Happy growing